VIN: 1C6RR6LT6LS127762 - RAM 1500 CLASS 2020 gray

Detail history
Detail history
Source Lot/Record Mileage Date of sale / actuality Damage / Note
Copart 70615464 57520km (Orig 35950) 2024-11-20 / 2024-11-20 $ Front End, -
Copart 88104735 57520km (Orig 35950) 2025-01-17 / 2025-01-17 $ Front End, -
VIN Decryption
  • VIN: 1C6RR6LT6LS127762
  • Vehicle: 2020 RAM 1500 CLASS
  • Mileage: 57520km (Orig 35950)
  • Primary Damage: FRONT END, -
  • Fuel type: GASOLINE
  • Drive unit: UNKNOWN
  • Engine volume: 5700
  • Transmission: AUTOMATIC
  • Condition: 0
  • Colour: GRAY
  • Document type:
  • Keys: true
  • Estimated value of the car: 28128
  • Estimated cost of repair: 0
  • Copart: 88104735
  • Seller:
  • Date of sale / validity of lot data: 2025-01-17 / 2025-01-17
This page presents the history of sales at auctions as well as a photo report of lot N:88104735 which was exhibited Copart, in the , with damage Front End, - in condition 0. The 1C6RR6LT6LS127762 2020 RAM 1500 CLASS, gray color, with vin code 1C6RR6LT6LS127762 is presented with automatic gearbox and gasoline engine 5700. At the time of the auction, the car had a mileage 57520. The date of information actuality is 2025-01-17. The estimated estimated cost of the lot is 28128 and the cost of repairs is 0. Also on this page you can find a detailed information by VIN code of this car and a detailed history of previous car auctions with this car. We strongly recommend that you order a carfax report to get acquainted with the detailed history of car maintenance, as well as make diagnostics at an authorized ram service station in your city, before participating in the auction or before purchasing this car from local dealers.
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